Saturday, December 24, 2011

Portraits of our "Chunky Monkey"

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Easy Three Meat Pasta Bake

I don't usually posts recipes for main courses because. . .well . . . I don't like to cook! Baking is definitely more "my thing." I think it's because baking usually entails throwing a bunch of ingredients into a bowl, mixing it up, and pouring it into a pan. Cooking involves washing vegetables, slicing and dicing, digging in the fridge for the sour cream in the back, and using 2-3 pans for many meals. Oh, and let's not forget the standing by the stove to stir!

My husband is not a chef either - and probably because he is a perfectionist. We have come to the conclusion that if he made dinner, we probably would end up ordering pizza if things didn't turn out perfectly OR we would not be eating until 9 pm.

Fortunately, neither my husband or children are picky and they all like healthy foods. As a matter of fact, after we had only been married a short time, he asked for brussel sprouts. I had never eaten them, never mind made them, so I looked in my trusty Fanny Farmer cookbook. I think my mother-in-law gave it to me (it's had some wear and tear). I used it the first few years we were married to learn how to make pot roast, meatloaf, ham, and all those other things I never ate growing up.

I would say 95% of the time I try a new recipe, it's NOT from reading the recipe. I'll eat something I like (at a restaurant or friends) and just try to copy it. Isn't it more fun that way anyway?!?

OK, so enough blabbering. Here's a simple dinner that feeds 6. Serve it with salad and garlic bread, and everyone will be happy!

Three Meat Pasta Bake Ingredients:
1 box pasta
1 lb each of ground beef and ground sausage
20 slices of pepperoni
1 1/2 jars/cans of tomato sauce
8 oz mozzarella cheese

Make 1 box of any type pasta (I used shells this time) and drain
Cook beef and sausage and drain
Add 1/2 jar of tomato sauce to each pan
Pour 1/2 the pasta in a 8x11 pan, then sprinkle on about 1/4 of the mozzarella cheese

I then add about another 1/2 jar of tomato sauce.Next, add all the ground meat, then pour on the remaining pasta. Arrange a layer of pepperoni on the top, then sprinkle on the rest of the mozzarella cheese
Bake it for just 15 min or so to let the cheese melt (when I've made 1/2 as much, I just put my 8x8 pan in the microwave to melt the cheese)

Here is a pic of it before adding the last bit of mozzarella and then after it's baked. . .cheesy goodness!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gimme a break!!!

And I don't mean I want a piece of a Kit Kat bar :)

I realized the other day, that I am with my children ALL THE TIME! Now, being with them is not a problem - getting things done while I am with them, that is the issue. (In the time it took me to type those 3 sentences, I have had to tell my boys twice to stop talking and just eat their lunch!)

I mean, being a "stay at home" mom has many benefits, but when your children are so young, sometimes it just seems impossible to get major "projects" finished without being interrupted umpteen times! And it seems, I always have a major "project" to do (Type A personality, you know).

Well, on Sunday night the baby was quite sick with a double ear infection and I felt I should just keep her home from church so she could sleep. My husband took the boys, so I was left home alone with just Jessica. My first thought was, "What can I get done while those boogers are gone?!?!"

My project was cleaning the boy's rooms.

My boys are expected to make their beds, put their laundry away, and keep toys in their respective bins, but during the weekend it seems that things get a bit messy. I decided to do some major cleaning and reorganizing. I moved the furniture and vacuumed every nook and cranny. I put the toys into different containers, switched Jessica's clothes around, and even tidied up the closets.

Needless to say, I accomplished sooo much while they were gone for just 2 hours!

I have now decided that my hubby needs to take the boys out once a month for a few hours. He will not have a problem with that now that he is only working one job again, and I will feel so much better since my house will be "in order."

Love these "boogers" :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Love Story

It seems that during the holidays, many people (at least women) get a bit sentimental and "mushy." I don't know if it's the Christmas lights, the music, or the over abundance of yummy food, but I thought it would be a good time of year to share our "love story."

December of '96 was when my hubby and I had our first date. He asked me to see the Nutcracker performed by the Boston Ballet. I loved it. It had always been one of my favorite performances, so he got "brownie points" right from the beginning, but our story began long before that date.

You see, we met back in the early '90's when his father became the pastor of our church. We were teenagers at the time and though he was nice, I didn't "pay him much mind." Poor fella - as my in-laws tell it, he was mesmerized by me from the beginning. After high school, I went off to
college and we wrote maybe all of two times, but there was definitely no "relationship" with which to speak.

After finishing college in '96, I came home and took a job at a day care. During the summer, we would often go out after church for fries or ice cream. Many times, his younger brothers would tag along (they were ages 4 & 8 - I think). He later told me that he decided "not to get his hopes up" and would "just be friends" with me, even though he was interested in more.

By the fall, we spent more time talking and "hanging out." I didn't tell him I was interested in him, but butterflies "danced" in my stomach every time I saw him. When he asked me to see the Nutcracker, I just couldn't bring myself to tell him my feelings. The poor guy had to wait until February - and even then, I wasn't too clear about what I was feeling. I will say, I married a very patient man!

During the spring of '97, my husband decided he would go go away to college in the fall. I couldn't believe it! The pressure was on! I decided that if I didn't tell him my true feelings, I might not ever get the chance!

After letting the "cat out of the bag," he and I spent quite a bit of time together that summer. He would often come visit me at work, and we usually went out on Saturday nights when he was done at his job. The summer seemed to go by waaaay too fast!

August came, and he left to go to Bible college. I took a teaching job about an hour from where I grew up. We spoke on the phone every time we had the chance! One time, the phone company actually shut off my phone because they thought someone else was making all those long distance calls!

It was true for us that "absence makes the heart grow fonder." By the time he came home for Christmas break, we started talking about marriage. You see, we had know each other for 6 yrs, and his whole family pretty much "adopted" me before he and I had ever become serious. I don't really think there was any surprise that we decided to get married the next summer.

We were married in July of 1998 and honeymooned at a quiet bed and breakfast only an hour from the church. It wasn't fancy or extravagant, but I still am very glad that is where we spent our first week together. A widower owned the place, and we were the only guests for most of the week. There was beautiful weather, a pool, and the owner even grilled us dinner! It was perfect!

After the honeymoon, we headed to PA (where he had attended school), to look for housing. God worked it out in that we found a place to live on the last day we were there! We moved in August and I began teaching at a Christian school at the end of the month. My hubby attended Bible college and worked part time.

My hubby has many good qualities, but what attracted me to him, is his tender heart and giving spirit. In some respects, he is my complete opposite, but in other ways we are very similar. I know the Lord brought us together and I am so happy to be his wife!