Long before my baby girl was born, I decided butterflies would be the theme for her room. This came about as I was registering at Babies R Us online. I was looking for baby girl items that were
purple - and they were not easy to come by! Finally, I spotted a soft lilac colored blanket with a butterfly in the corner. I loved it! And the best part, is that someone actually bought that blanket and gave it to me before she was even born!
She had that blanket in the hospital, and has slept with it ever since! In her nursery there is one wall painted dark purple and butterflies adorn her walls. It seemed logical, that when she had her first birthday, butterflies would be the theme!
In July, I started looking online for ideas and decided what I would do for her cake. We celebrated yesterday, and here is how it turned out:
The porch was decorated with purple tulle and purple, pink, and white balloons. I had the tables covered in pink and purple table clothes, but didn't get a photo of those.
I bought a packet of pink butterflies at the Dollar Tree and used them to decorate. Here I wrote on the words "Happy Birthday" and made them into a banner.
Since we had boys and girls of various ages, I made up separate treat bags. The girls got a lady bug mirror and comb with some candy and the boys got a toy motorcycle and candy.
All the kids received these double straws that I made to look like butterflies.
My oldest son helped make these butterfly cereal bags to give to the younger ones who couldn't eat candy.
I decided to make a smaller cake since I also had cupcakes and cookies. The butterflies are just cut out of homemade fondant. The cake was "funfetti" on the top layer with a strawberry base.
The kids enjoyed these butterfly cupcakes!
I just dipped mini pretzels in white chocolate and coated them in purple sugar. I frosted the angel food cupcakes with a pink whipped cream cheese frosting. Mmmmmm!
Of course the baby needed her own cake to "tear into," so I made this little butterfly cake with the extra batter. I think she thought the colored sugar was pretty because she just kept poking at it with her fingers :)
I decorated the piano with one of her tutus and some butterfly stuff.
I figured we could use it as a banner for her birthday and it worked out great!
Overall, I think the party was a success! It seemed our little "sweet pea" enjoyed herself all night!
Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!