Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Nitty Gritty of Closely Spaced Kids

When I'm out in public, there are many things I hear from people regarding the fact that I have 3 boys so close in age. Many times I hear, "Three boys?!?! You must have your hands full!" Or, "Wow, they must keep you busy!" And my favorite, "Are you going to try for a girl?" Now, I know these people just feel the need to say SOMETHING, but it almost seems as though they feel sorry for me. DON'T! I love my boys :) They DO keep me busy, but what mother DOESN'T feel overwhelmed at times (whether they have 1 or 8)?
Some people say children born within 2 yrs of each other are considered closely-spaced, others say if they're born within 18 months of each other, it's like having multiplies. I do know it was a bit straining for the one month that I had 3 in diapers, but I really don't think it compares. Kudos to all moms who are raising twins or triplets - you really have your work cut out for you!
Now I will say, some days are much better than others. My boys are very active, and my middle son is what I would call "high spirited" (LOL). When all three are crying or fussing at each other, I have to take a deep breath and whisper, "I love you, I love you, I love you." :) I will say, it helps to have lots of activities planned throughout the day. I don't usually keep to a set schedule, but I do have one. Most days go about the same way: breakfast, play, preschool, craft, lunch, nap, DVD, outside, dinner, bath, books, bed! Of course, chaos is dispersed throughout the day. I have found gum stuck to the bathtub, popcorn stuffed in shirt pockets, crayon on my piano keys, and cereal dumped all over the floor, but fortunately none of these things were life threatening problems, and I laugh now as I think back on all of it!
If you have closely spaced children, take time to love them and laugh with them! Now that mine are past infancy, things are much easier! I'm hoping things just keep improving! "Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord!"

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