I have often thought it odd that people have hobbies that seem like work - sewing, painting, and even fishing (I mean, who really enjoys cleaning a fish?!?). So I was surprised at myself when I admitted that I am a bit addicted to baking. I mean, baking produces some great results, but it IS work (especially the cleaning up part).
I opened my "baking cupboard" today and noticed there is an extreme amount of items inside. Most people have flour, sugar, vanilla, and the like, but I have extra EVERYTHING! There are at least 8 varieties of chocolate chips and bars, 3 types of flour, 3 types of sugar, 3 types of oil, 3 types of salt, brownie and cake mixes, marshmallows, honey, molasses, cocoa, wheat germ, flax seed, nuts of all sorts, sprinkles, food coloring, frosting, lard, different flavored extracts, and of course baking powder and soda. And believe it or not, the supply is always being replenished!
During the summer I probably bake once a week, but now that it's cooler, I realize that I bake 3-4 times per week! Even more odd is that I find it relaxing! Oh, and it's always something different (I love trying new recipes). Fortunately, my guys like my baking, so nothing stays around for long. For church fellowships or for friends, I bake with white flour and sugar, but for my own family, I try to stay with "whole foods." This means using whole wheat flour, honey, and plain yogurt. Believe it or not, you can have a dessert that is not 500 calories per serving! LOL
I think my boys are picking up on my "baking habit" because they flock to the kitchen when they see me take out a mixing bowl. I'm glad! I hope to teach them how to bake some healthy, fun foods. What is even better is that they ask to wash the dishes when we're done! Hmmmm, maybe I just figured out why baking is relaxing to me. . .everyone works together and everyone enjoys the results!
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