Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Do you remember?

As I sat rocking my darling baby girl, I looked around my living room. I saw the following: a game of Candy Land on the piano bench, a Buzz Lightyear gun on the floor, a baby blanket tossed on the couch, and two cowboy boots and a sand bucket by the front door. Now, none of those items should be in the living room, but I'm learning to adapt.
Do you remember what your house looked like when you were a young child? You see, my memories of the neatness of my house, are basically non-existent. What I DO remember is playing games and having fun. I know my mother let me put all the couch cushions on the living room floor so I could jump from one to another without "falling in the water." I remember my friends often came over to play, and you know, when other kids come over, ALL the toys seem to be taken out of the toy box! Oh, and lets not forget about the LEGOS! Now, as a mother, I know those things multiply, so I'm sure my own mother found them in various rooms of the house. I also spent a great deal of time outside, so I'm sure my mom spent a great deal of time washing my messy clothes and vacuuming the dirt I tracked into the house. But with all those memories, I don't remember our house ever being "messy."
With the arrival of a fourth child, I have finally realized that I will never keep my house "spotless." When they are older, they will help more with chores and their toys won't be so large, so I have hope. For now, I will try to be content with the clutter. I hope the boys remember that today we played Candy Land and made paper masks and finished our school work more than they remember the fact that I did not get around to vacuuming and have yet to run the dishwasher. . . I'm pretty sure they will :)


  1. I don't remember much about HOW the house looked like, but I do remember all the fun I had with my siblings! My Mom would tell us kids to go outside and play while she cleaned the house. We'd ride our bikes, play in the grass, go to the barn and see if there were any new kittens hidden in the hay/straw. Oh, the great memories!
    I had to laugh at your story about putting the couch cushions on the floor. I did the same thing!
    Great post, Heather! I really enjoyed that! You have a good perspective on things :)

  2. Some great thoughts Heather! I remember our house filled with a lot of laughter and fun times. We played games a lot, and also would gather around the piano in the evening to sing songs as a family. Also the Bible was always read and God put first in our home. I praise God for the blessing and privilege that I had growing up in a fun-filled, loving, and Christian home. Praying that I will have these precious memories for my family as well. :)

  3. Going to see if this works this time!
    Love this blog and the reminder that kids having fun is sometimes more important then a perfect house! check out my blog lifeof4boys
