Last night I was speaking with a very nice lady, but was a bit bothered when she started talking about her husband in a negative way. It was not a "big" issue she was complaining about. She was just bothered because she liked having short hair, and he liked her hair to be longer.
Big deal.
Honestly, if my husband had a preference, I would cut my hair to suit him. Not because he "made me," but because I love him and he's the one I want to please. As it is, my husband does not seem to have a preference in that area, but does have requests in other areas.
The other day, my husband was mentioning how the Bible says, in Gen. 5:2, that God made Adam and Eve, and blessed them, ". . .and called their name Adam." In other words, God saw Adam and Eve as one being. Two parts of a whole.
If someone were to speak bad about part of you (say your voice or your natural hair color), wouldn't you be offended? Yet, many times, spouses speak ill of each other without giving it a second thought.
Honestly, when I hear someone speak negatively about their spouse, I usually have a poor impression of the person who's doing the speaking. Haven't you ever wondered, "Why did she marry that guy if he's such a jerk?!?"
I know we're far from perfect, but I do believe my husband and I have a good relationship because neither of us makes a habit of speaking ill of the other.
I love my husband! :)
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