I thought I would honor Kevin here on my blog. I mean, it could not possibly be easy to live with a loud, bossy, type A, spoiled, only child! He is a bit of a perfectionist himself, but my OCD tendencies would have driven away the weak by now!
My husband and I joke that he grew up "on the other side of the tracks." You see, I grew up in a nice little town where we didn't even lock the doors. He grew up in Lynn.
Anyone who knows about Lynn, knows the nice little saying associated with the city - "Lynn, Lynn, city of sin - you never come out the way you went in." Yep, that just about sums things up! It wasn't unusual for my husband to hear sirens everyday. . .and they ALWAYS locked their doors!
Just as an example of his childhood experiences, let's take Kevin's 5th birthday. My in-laws had moved from Indiana, and were used to people being honest and decent. My mother-in-law planned a simple little birthday party and invited some children from their Lynn neighborhood. The children came, played games, ate cake, watched Kevin open the presents from his parents, and then left with Kevin's presents. That's right. The neighborhood children actually went home with Kevin's birthday presents!!!
As he grew up in the city, he met several "unsavory" characters who were rude, abusive, and just plain mean. What doesn't break you, only makes you stronger, right?!? Well, I would definitely say my husband is emotionally strong. By the world's standards, he was dealt a "bad hand," but, thankfully, he also had some wonderful, godly parents who prayed for him and taught him God's Word. If it wasn't for that, surely he would have led a different path. It is amazing to me that a man who grew up in such a cruel environment can be so loving and caring.
My husband is not too calloused to shed a tear, and is not embarrassed to show affection either. He also has manners. We do not sit around the table and have burping contests (even with 3 boys in the house). I just don't think it's hilarious to pass gas or flick boogers. We want our boys to grow up to be gentlemen, not just older boys!
The other day, as we were getting in the car after shopping, I noticed an older man standing by the car next to us just staring in our direction. I couldn't figure out what was wrong and started to think he was being rather rude. As my husband went to his side of the car, the man mentioned that it was so nice to see that Kevin had opened my door for me. Hmmm, very true. Many husbands don't even think about opening the door for their wife.
Another thing I appreciate about my husband, is that he is clean. Sounds odd, but it really is a big deal. He always showers, wears deodorant, and would never think of leaving the house in sweatpants and flip flops. I love that he always smells so good! Oh, and the fact that he doesn't snore is a big plus too ;)
One of the things that first attracted me to my husband was that he was always willing to listen to me. I'm not the type to "wear my heart upon my sleeve," so it was a minor miracle that I felt so comfortable talking to him . . . about everything! Even now, 14 yrs later, he calls me each day from work and asks how it's going with the kiddos. He doesn't need to do that, but he does it because he cares. I remember, before we had our own children, he would listen to me ramble on and on about the students I taught in school. Poor guy! ;)
Many people can also attest to the fact that my husband is a good worker. Before we ever dated, I remember Kevin coming to our house to split firewood for my dad. He didn't get paid, he just did it to help. It was cold out, but he didn't complain. He has had many jobs where he has had to work in rain, sleet, snow, and heat. I don't know how he does it!
When Kevin was a teenager, he started his first job at Grossman's Lumber. He was in high school and would work after school and on Saturdays. The only thing different that most kids who work at that age, is that he did not get to keep the money he earned. It did not go into a college fund, he did not get to save it for a car, he didn't even use it to buy fast food. He used his money to pay the Christian school tuition for he and his brothers. If I remember correctly, that amount was about $400 per month. I don't know of many teenagers who would do that!
I think I am most thankful for the fact that my husband is a Christian. Our home has high standards compared to most of the world - no cursing, drinking, or smoking for sure, but also, the boys are taught the Bible and the importance of knowing God. I don't have to worry about my husband blaring ungodly music or "slipping up" and swearing in front of the kids. I know he will attend church every time he can (except when at work), and he will always tithe before spending money on other things.
My husband has been by my side for these last 14 yrs, and I pray we have many more years together! He has been very patient with my "know-it-all" attitude and never complains about my cooking ;) He is supportive, dependable, loving, and generous. I love him very much!
Happy Anniversary Honey!
Happy Anniversary, Kevin and Heather! You are a great couple, and I know God is using you to be an example and testimony to others. God bless you always!
I really enjoyed reading this Heather! It was a blessing and encouragement to me! God bless you and your beautiful family! <3
ReplyDeleteThanks ladies! We're planning on going out tomorrow to celebrate :) Each year gets better and better!