Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sa-weeeeet Tea!

view detailsWhen my husband and I were first married, I gave my mother-in-law a call to get a recipe from her. Not a recipe for her mac and cheese or her moist chocolate cake, but her recipe for sweet tea.

You see, growing up in Massachusetts, sweet tea was not the drink of choice. People around me drank Moxie, Tab, and Root bear (also all known as tonic) along with other basics such as milk or juice. I do remember having ice tea, but it was sweetened with a few packs of Sweet and Low.

The tea on which my husband grew up was sweet - too sweet for me, but perfect for him! Over the years I took her recipe and tweaked it to my husband's taste. He recently told me that I should share the recipe. Each night he brings a whole gallon to work because his coworkers prefer it over anything they could bring themselves.

I know most everyone knows the process of making tea, so here I'll just list the measurements I use:

2 large tea bags (sometimes called "family size" or "ice tea blend")
1 1/2 cups of sugar

Simple enough! Just be sure you add the sugar to the hot tea and mix until it is completely dissolved! Enjoy!!

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