Monday, November 22, 2010

Bumps, Bruises, and Blood, Oh My!

If you have children, you know how often they are injured! If you have boys, you probably have experienced it many times over :) Our first "major" accident was when my oldest was 22 months old. The short version is that an old cemetery headstone fell on him and broke his leg. Another memorable incident was when my second boy was 17 months old and was bit by our dog. Now, over the last 4 years, there have been numerous bumps, bruises, and blood shed. As a parent, you must remember to STAY IN CONTROL! I've seen moms become hysterical over injuries, and that does NOT help the child. Stay calm, talk to your child, and help them to focus on something besides the injury. And remember, head injuries always produce a lot of blood!

Last night we spent a few hours in the E.R. with our 3 1/2 year old. He had been running through our church auditorium after the service and he tripped. It seems he bumped his head on the metal corner of one of the seats.

He cried at first, but settled down quickly. My husband is great at assessing injuries and calming down our boys. I was very happy that Kyle laid in my hubby's lap so nicely while we waited for an hour in the E.R. (Isn't waiting the worst part?)

A nurse came and shaved a bit off his hairline, then applied a numbing solution. Kyle said it felt cold like ice :)

When the doctor arrived 30 min. later, he "glued" Kyle's head and attached some "steri strips."

Kyle was such a good boy throughout that he received some stickers and a nice fleece blanket! He finally was home in his bed at midnight, and slept until 10 a.m. He woke up with a headache :) but is definitely playing like he usually does. Ah, the joys of parenthood! LOL

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